Gayatri Devi Vasudev

“The digital avatars of Jyotisha powered by Astro-Vision have spread awareness and are ideal to today's fast paced life...”
AstroPack 1.0 astrology software makes accurate and precise calculations. This astrology software does all the calculation of the astrological values and all you need to do is analyse the astrological values.
Astro-Vision's Astrology Software is being used for over 25 years by famous Astrologers all over the world. Our Astrology Software has found wide acceptance both in India and abroad. Our clients spans from Singapore, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, India to Europe.
Astro-Vision's Vedic Astrology software has complete set of calculations required for astrological analysis and for providing astrology consultancy. If you are looking for an astrology software which includes calculations as well as predictions, then check out Astro-Vision LifeSign Astrology Software with predictions.
Astro-Vision's AstroPack 1.0 Astrology Software provides various ayanamsa settings such as Chitra Paksha ayanamsa or lahiri ayanamsa, raman ayanamsa, krishnamurthy ayanamsa, thirukanitham ayanamsa along with a user defined ayanamsa. If you select the user defined ayanamsa, you can choose from either the Fagen-Allen ayanamsa or any other ayanamsa method of your choice by selecting the Base year and the precession per year. These options are especially useful for astrologers and astrology students who are interested in Vedic astrology research.
Astropack 1.0 astrology software package also includes a large database of cities from around the world, so that you dont have to waste time in entering latitude, longitude and time zones. And what's more is this feature is fully customizable giving and give you option to add more city details.
AstroPack 1.0 Astrological Software also includes a nazhika to hour convertor or Ghati / Vighati convertor for easy cross reference.
Two options available for dasa system, one consisting of 365.25 days and the other consisting of 360 days.
Two options available for selection of method for Bhava Bala in this Indian Horoscope Software, one being the nature of mercury determined by association, the other being mercury being benefic, irrespective of association
Unlike other Astrology programs, AstroPack 1.0 Astrology Software gives you the option to customise the Horoscope reports as required; e.g., as a single-page horoscope report, horoscope report with charts and calculations only, etc. You can even choose from the templates available in AstroPack 1.0 Astrology Software.
AstroPack 1.0 Horoscope Software also provides you a choice of chart formats, like, North Indian, South Indian, Bengali, Kerala and Sri Lankan chart styles.
While selecting a custom ayanamsa, the method to be used for gulikadi group calculations can also be specified, i.e. whether the ascendant should be considered at period start or ascendant should be considered at period end.
Astrology Software now comes with a special offer. Get our extremely popular Panchang Software StarClock VX absolutely FREE! A few unique features of this Panchang Software include dual language mode, i.e. reports can be taken in English and in one regional language of your choice, representation of qualities of the planets, astrological qualities of the moment, exact rahu kala, gulika kala, identify transit times and transit positions, muhurtham software and Panchang Calendar.
Calculations provided in the Horoscope Software include :
AstroPack 1.0 Astrology Software Calculates Birth Star as well as calculation of various astrological properties of the nakshatra and horoscope such as star pada, Birth rasi and the rasi lord; Lagna Ascendant and the Lagna lord , Thithi ( Lunar day) , Dinamana, Astrological Day of birth, Kalidina Sankhya, Nakshatra adipathi, Ganam, Yoni, Animal, Bird, Tree, Chandra Avastha, Chandra Vela, Chandra Kriya, Dagda Rasi, Karanam, Nithya Yoga, Rasi of Sun - Star Position, Position of Angadityan, Yogi Point - Yogi Star, Yogi Planet, Duplicate Yogi, Avayogi Star – Planet, Atma Karaka ( Soul) – Karakamsa, Amatya Karaka , Lagna Aruda ( Pada) / Thanu and Dhana Aruda ( Pada)
The longitude of planets including that of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are given as per western method of calculation.
Nirayana longitudes of planets, which is the basis of calculations in the Indian system are derived from the sayana values. All the charts, calculations and analysis provided in this horoscope software are based on vedic Astrology. The nirayana longitude of the planets, the rasi, the longitude in the rasi, the nakshatra as well as star pada is calculated. The Nakshatra, nakshatra adipathi, sub lord as well as sub sub lord is calculated for each planet. A brief summary of the nirayana longitude of the planets is also provided along with the rasi chart and navamsa chart in this Astrology Software. The dasa as well as dasa balance at birth is also provide along with the rasi chart and navamsa chart. The special rasi chakra chart is also provided in this horoscope software, giving details of whether a navamsa or planet is in retrograde motion, or whether it is exalted, debilated or combust.
AstroPack 1.0 Horoscope software Also provides the bhava chart as well as the bhava table giving details of the arambha, madhya, anthya as well as the list of planets located in bhava.
The sudarshana chakra chart is also presented in this Indian Horoscope Software
Corresponding to each planet, a sub-planet ( Upagraha ) is calculated in this horoscope software. The sub planets of Moon, Venus, Mars, Rahu and Ketu are based on the longitude of the Sun and these values are calculated. The dhumadi group of Sub Planets is provided in a table with details of the method of calculation for each of these sub planets. The Upagraha longitudes are also calculated and presented in table format for easy reference. The Nakshatra adipathi / Sub-Lord / Sub-Sub-Lord Charts of Upagrahas are also prepared and available. The Upagraga rasi chart is also calculated and the Upagaraha rasi chart is prepared.
The Karakas according to the Jaimini system of astrology is also calculated and the horoscope software provides the planets corresponding to each karaka as well as the Karakamsa. The Arudas and padas according to the Jaimini system of astrology is provided.
AstroPack 1.0 Horoscope software calculated the values corresponding to the aruda chakra chart and the aruda chakra is prepared.
AstroPack 1.0 Horoscope software Calculates the values present in the shodasavarga table and prepares the shodasavarga table.
AstroPack 1.0 Horoscope software calculates the Lords of the shodasavarga and presents it in chart format for easy reference.
AstroPack 1.0 Horoscope software Calculates the vargottama
AstroPack 1.0 Indian astrology software calculates the varga bheda values wherein points are allocated for Swavarga (own house) and Uchavarga (exaltation) . The varga bheda table is also prepared.
AstroPack 1.0 Astrology Software prepares Various charts after making the neccesary calculations such as the rasi chart, Hora chart, Drekkana chart, Chathurthamsam chart, Saptamsam chart, Navamsa chart, Dasamsam chart, Dwadasamsam chart, Shodasamsam chart, Vimsamsam chart, Chathurvimsamsam chart, Bhamsam chart, Trimsamsam chart, Khavedamsam chart, Akshavedamsam chart and Shashtiamsam chart. The numerous charts generated makes this the perfect Professional Astrology Software.
AstroPack 1.0 Horoscope Software calculates the values pertaining to various Ashtakavarga Charts and the various Ashtakavarga Charts are prepared such as the Chandra Ashtakavarga chart, Surya Ashtakavarga chart, Budha Ashtakavarga chart, Shukra Ashtakavarga chart, Kuja Ashtakavarga chart, Guru Ashtakavarga chart, Sani Ashtakavarga chart and the Sarva Ashtakavarga chart. The various Ashtakavarga charts after reductions are also prepared and presented in this Indian Astrology software, such as the Trikona Reduction and Ekadipathya Reduction.
A brief summary of Vimshottari Dasa Periods is given in this Astrology Program .
Details of the Dasa and Bhukti (Apahara) Periods are given with details of the arambha and anthya for each Bhukti (Apahara) within each Dasa period in the AstroPack 1.0 Astrology Chart Software.
AstroPack 1.0 Horoscope Software presents the details of the Paryanthardasa within each Bhukti (Apahara) including the arambha and Anthya for each Paryanthardasa.
An analysis of the planetary disposition including Lords of Houses, the Bhava lord of each house, Planetary conjunction (yoga), Planet to planet aspects, Planet to house aspects, Benefic Friendship Charts including Permanent ( Naisargika ) Friendship Chart, Temporary ( Tatkalika ) Friendship Chart, Five-Fold ( Panchda ) Friendship Chart , Aspect Strength Chart ( Drikbala ) in Shashtiamsas, Shadbala Table, Bhava Aspect Strength Planets and Malefic planets and their effects, Chart ( Bhava Drikbala ) in Shashtiamsas, Bhava Bala Table, Kuja Dosha Check, Moudhyam (combustion), Graha Yuddha (Planetary war) and Grahavastha is presented in AstroPack 1.0 Astrology Software.
The important combinations which result in a yoga are identified in the horoscope and are listed with a brief mention of the effect it can have. While listing the Yogas, the combinations which resulted in the yoga are also given for easy reference in AstroPack 1.0 Astrology Software.
Operating system: Windows 7, 8, 10 - 32 & 64 bit, minimum 256 MB RAM & 100 MB HDD space
AstroPack SM - AstroPack 1.0 + SoulMate 10.0
AstroSuite 2.0 - Astrology Software Suite for Business Users
StarClock ME Ultimate - Mobile Astrology Software for Astrologers
StarClock Plus - Jyotish Software for Astrologers
This Astrology Software Package is a combination of Horoscope, Panchang, and Horoscope Matching Software.
*Some software are available in fewer languages.
This astrology software suite is a combination of 8 different astrology software products, ideal for business users.
*Some software are available in fewer languages.