Gayatri Devi Vasudev

“The digital avatars of Jyotisha powered by Astro-Vision have spread awareness and are ideal to today's fast paced life...”
AstroPack SM 1.0 is an astrology software combo pack for professional & budding astrologers. It's a combination of horoscope calculation, panchanga-muhurtha and marriage matching softwares This software is meant to provide the essential calculations and information required for astrology consultations. AstroPack SM 1.0 lets you generate horoscopes, check Panchanga and do marriage matching.
AstroPack SM 1.0 includes AstroPack 1.0 and SoulMate 11.0, where AstroPack 1.0 itself is a combination of Lifesign 12.5 Pro(horoscope calculation) & StarClock VX 2.0(muhurtha and panchanga)
Astro-Vision software products included in this bundle maintain a high level of accuracy.
AstroPack SM 1.0 lets you generate horoscope reports. The Lifesign 12.5 Pro included in this pack provides inclusive horoscope calculations.
StarClock VX 2.0 included in this pack is a popular Panchanga software which can provide detailed Panchanga information for any given point in time.
SoulMate 11.0 included in AstroPack SM 1.0 is the trusted horoscope matching software of marriage bureaus, matrimonial websites and Vedic astrologers around the world.
Birth chart, birth star, star pada, birth rasi & Rasi lord, Lagna & Lagna lord , Thithi, Dinamana, Nakshatra Adipathi, Atma Karaka and many more.
Single page, multiple pages, horoscope with charts & calculations etc.
North Indian, South Indian, Bengali, Kerala & Sri Lankan styles
Qualities of the planets, astrological qualities of the moment, Rahu Kala, Gulika Kala, transit times & transit positions, muhurtham etc.
A summary of Dasas, Apaharas(bhuktis) and Paryanthardasas
Nakshathra compatibility check, Manglik check, Dasa Sandhi check & Papa Samya check.
Values pertaining to various Ashtakavarga Charts.
Lords of Houses, Bhava lord of each house, Planetary conjunction, Planet to planet aspects, Planet to house aspects, Naisargika & Tatkalika Friendship Charts, Aspect Strength Chart, Shadbala Table, Kuja Dosha Check, Moudhyam, Graha Yuddha etc.
Rasi chart, Hora chart, Drekkana chart, Chathurthamsam chart, Saptamsam chart, Navamsa chart, Dasamsam chart, Dwadasamsam chart, Shodasamsam chart, Bhamsam chart, Upagraha chart, Aruda chart, Sudarshana chakra chart etc.
Chitra Paksha ayanamsa / Lahiri ayanamsa, Raman ayanamsa, Krishnamurthy ayanamsa & Thirukanitham ayanamsa along with user defined ayanamsa.
For easy generation of horoscopes
Operating system: Windows 7, 8, 10 - 32 & 64 bit, minimum 256 MB RAM & 100 MB HDD space
StarClock ME Ultimate - Mobile Astrology Software for Astrologers
AstroSuite 2.0 - Astrology Software Suite for Business Users
AstroPack SM Plus - AstroPack SM + NameFinder
StarClock Plus - Jyotish Software for Astrologers
This mobile astrology software includes Horoscope Matching,Prasna, Muhurtha and lots more. Available in Android and Java.
*Requires Android 2.2 & above
This astrology software suite is a combination of 8 different astrology software products, ideal for business users.
*Some software are available in fewer languages.