Gayatri Devi Vasudev

“The digital avatars of Jyotisha powered by Astro-Vision have spread awareness and are ideal to today's fast paced life...”
Generation of horoscopes and their analysis can be done with your mobile with this newest product LifeSign ME Standard. This product is the mobile version of the popular horoscope software LifeSign Parihara. Astrologers, as well as astrology learners, can use this Android application to generate inclusive horoscopes on mobile phones. It can help you make consultations from wherever you go! You can tap open this app, generate horoscope by entering the birth details and study its features in detail even while you are traveling.
Predictions based on weekday, nakshatra, thithi, karana and nithya yoga
Predictions on various aspects of life - personality, temperament, family, career, wealth, health, marriage, education etc. by analysing the 12 bhavas in your birth chart.
Lists out the dasa-apahara periods and makes predictions based on that. Provides remedies for the ill effects of dasas/apaharas too.
Points out the paryanthardasa periods within each apahara.
Predictions based on the transits of Sun, Jupiter and Saturn by comparing the sign change of planets with their positions in the birth chart.
Finds out the birth star, tells about its features & gives remedies to ill effects.
Checks for the possibilities of Kuja/Chovva dosha and Rahu-Ketu doshas and suggests remedies to overcome them.
Finds out the specific combinations in the birth chart causing the yogas and tells about their influence in life.
Points out the favourable periods for Career, Marriage, House Construction and Businesses.
Ashtakavarga chart and predictions based on that system.
Rasi chart, Hora chart, Drekkana chart, Chaturthamsa chart, Saptamsa chart, Navamsa chart and various other charts & tables.
Shodashvarga table with its values.
Sayana and nirayana longitude calculations, the rasi, the longitude in the rasi, the star, star lord, sub lord, sub-sub lord etc.
Includes planetary strength & grahavastha.
Vargottama and varga bheda table.
Jaimini karakas, jaimini padas & arudas.
LifeSign ME Standard lets you choose your preferred ayanamsa - Chitra Paksha/Lahiri ayanamsa,Raman ayanamsa, Krishnamurthy ayanamsa & Thirukanitham ayanamsa.
The app has a large database of cities (their longitudes, latitudes and time zones) around the world that helps in faster horoscope generation.
Recommended OS - android 6 and above
StarClock Plus - Jyotish Software for Astrologers
AstroSuite 2.0 - Astrology Software Suite for Business Users
AstroPack 1.0 - Astrology Software for Astrologers
AstroPack SM - AstroPack 1.0 + SoulMate 10.0
This Jyotish Software provides precise in-depth astrology calculations & muhurtha, ideal for astrologers & astrology students.
This astrology software suite is a combination of 8 different astrology software products, ideal for business users.
*Some software are available in fewer languages.